Our top 5 Hoyas for beginners

If you’re a beginner looking to start your Hoya collection, here are some easy-to-grow Hoya species that are forgiving and perfect for plant enthusiasts:

  1. Hoya carnosa (‘Compacta’):

    • Also known as the Hindu rope plant, this cultivar of Hoya carnosa features tightly twisted leaves resembling a rope.

    • It’s a classic choice and quite hardy.

  2. Hoya carnosa (‘Tricolor’ or ‘Krimson Queen’):

    • Often mentioned interchangeably, these cultivars have variegated leaves with pink, white, and green hues.

    • They add a splash of color to your indoor space.

  3. Hoya curtisii:

    • A compact species with small, round leaves.

    • It’s easy to care for and great for small spaces.

  4. Hoya kerrii (Sweetheart Hoya):

    • Known for its heart-shaped leaves.

    • It’s a slow grower but very rewarding.

  5. Hoya multiflora:

    • A delightful species with clusters of small, star-shaped flowers.

    • It’s relatively easy to care for and blooms prolifically.

Remember to provide them with bright, indirect light, allow the soil to dry between waterings, and enjoy watching your Hoyas thrive!


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The origins of Hoya plant