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A rare beauty: the Hoya Silver Dollar
Hoyaland Hoyaland

A rare beauty: the Hoya Silver Dollar

One of the rarest plants in our online store is the Hoya Silver Dollar. It is one of the most stunning too. If you are interested in this plant, you would have noticed the scarce supply of good quality ones across platforms such as ebay, Google shopping, and Facebook market.

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Our top 5 Hoyas for beginners
Hoyaland Hoyaland

Our top 5 Hoyas for beginners

If you’re a beginner looking to start your Hoya collection, here are some easy-to-grow Hoya species that are forgiving and perfect for plant enthusiasts.

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The origins of Hoya plant
Hoyaland Hoyaland

The origins of Hoya plant

The Hoya plant, also known as waxplant, waxvine, or waxflower, has an interesting history. Let’s explore its origins.

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